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320075 Resita, str. Pandurilor nr. 13 , jud. Caras Severin
tel: +40 255 210532
cod fiscal: 11434889
cont: RO 23 RNCB 01000 3824156
pentru Resurse Umane şi Dezvoltare Durabilă
"Nonviolent Europem Resistance" ID: 609034-CITIZ-1-2019-1-CITIZ-REMEM

Summary of the Project
The “nEUres” project aims to spread among young people (16-35) the knowledge on the historical events related to the nonviolent resistance to nazi-fascism in Europe, as a starting point for a shared reflection on civil society and civic participation in totalitarian regimes and in contemporary times, through an educational and training pilot action based on capacity building of educators and youth and the enhancement of participatory practices and active citizenship among young people.
7 countries (IT, ES, AT, RO, HU, MK, BE) will be involved in the production of guidelines and training materials. Pilot action testing will involve all partners and at least 90 direct beneficiaries among young and educators, reflecting on the forms of nonviolent organized and not-organized resistance to nazi-fascism: individual and collective stories of solidarity, support and concrete aid to political and racial persecuted, fleeing soldiers and other war victims; focusing on the role of women, teachers, intellectuals and religious, clandestine press, peasants’ and workers’ struggles, resistance of Jews and others persecuted in concentration camps.
3 Modules will be delivered:
- first train-the-trainers transnational workshop for a preliminary knowledge transfer to educators to be involved in further implementation with young, mainly focusing on project methodology, the historical phenomenon and the learning outcomes to be achieved;
- 3-months module implemented nationally at schools and youth aggregation places engaging tutored educators in transferring knowledge to young, including a training session on multimedial, digital storytelling, and photo journalism, as tools for civil youth engagement;
- nonviolent resistance tours (visiting significant sites in Italy, Germany, Austria) and further reflective laboratories dedicated to peer and inter generational learning.
National Info Days and an international conference will be held, also for a nEUres continuation as a volunteering and solidarity project, in the framework of European Solidarity Corps (ESC).
Duration of the project: 18 months (1st October, 2019 – 31st March, 2021)
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